Allah (Yang Menguasai Segala-galanya), Ia mengambil dan memisahkan satu-satu jiwa dari badannya, jiwa orang yang sampai ajalnya semasa matinya, dan jiwa orang yang tidak mati: dalam masa tidurnya; kemudian Ia menahan jiwa orang yang Ia tetapkan matinya dan melepaskan balik jiwa yang lain (ke badannya) sehingga sampai ajalnya yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi tanda-tanda yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah bagi kaum yang berfikir (untuk memahaminya).-surah az-zumar ayat 42-
“Carilah Rahmat Tuhan kerana ianya melampaui azab
Neraka dan nikmat Syurga.”

Monday, 28 March 2011

Pasukan Zionis Laknatullah menyerang Wanita Palestin dalam kampung Beith Ummar

AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli soldiers severely beat a Palestinian woman called Najwa Sabarneh as she was trying to prevent them from kidnapping her son yesterday during the weekly anti-wall march held in Beit Ummar village, northwest of Al-Khalil city.
The troops also attacked and arrested a number of foreign activists during the march.
The march started from inside the village with the participation of foreign peace activist towards the segregation wall, before it was attacked with tear gas grenades on the main road leading to the village.
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) announced the main entrance to the village a closed military zone following fierce clashes with the protesters.
In another incident, a number of Palestinian workmen revealed that Israeli intelligence officers at Qalqiliya checkpoint threatened them to withdraw their work permits if they refused to work as informers with them.
Human rights organizations had reported that the Israeli intelligence extorts and pressures Palestinian workmen in order to make them deal with it in exchange for renewing their work permits and allowing them to work inside the 1948 occupied lands.
For its part, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper said Saturday morning that a military unit of Kfir brigade kidnapped one Palestinian man from his home in Al-Khalil city at the pretext he was wanted.
He was taken to the Israeli intelligence apparatus for interrogation, according to the newspaper.

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