Allah (Yang Menguasai Segala-galanya), Ia mengambil dan memisahkan satu-satu jiwa dari badannya, jiwa orang yang sampai ajalnya semasa matinya, dan jiwa orang yang tidak mati: dalam masa tidurnya; kemudian Ia menahan jiwa orang yang Ia tetapkan matinya dan melepaskan balik jiwa yang lain (ke badannya) sehingga sampai ajalnya yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi tanda-tanda yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah bagi kaum yang berfikir (untuk memahaminya).-surah az-zumar ayat 42-
“Carilah Rahmat Tuhan kerana ianya melampaui azab
Neraka dan nikmat Syurga.”

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Female elites meet with Supreme Leader

TEHRAN, May 23 (MNA) -- Hundreds of female professors, seminary teachers, and intellectuals, two days ahead of the auspicious birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima (SA), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S), which is Women’s and Mother’s Day in Iran, held a meeting with Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei here on Sunday.

Suriah Tolak Usulan AS Berunding dengan Israel

Bashar AssadSejumlah sumber diplomatik Amerika Serikat menyatakan bahwa para pejabat tinggi Suriah menolak usulan Washington dalam menyelesaikan friksi antara Damaskus dan Tel Aviv.

Kantor berita IRNA (23/5) melaporkan, Washington menyodorkan usulan kepada Suriah bahwa akan digelar perundingan singkat tiga bulan antara Suriah dan Israel yang akan menyelesaikan friksi kedua pihak. Namun Damaskus menolak usulan tersebut.

Penolakan itu berarti Damaskus tetap menekankan syarat penarikan mundur rezim Zionis dari Dataran Tinggi Golan yang diduduki Israel serta menjelaskan bahwa perundingan harus dimulai dari titik pada putaran sebelumnya.

Menurut sumber tersebut, "Washington berusaha memanfaatkan berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di Suriah untuk mengakhiri permusuhan negara itu dengan Israel. Namun tujuan itu telah dibaca oleh para pejabat Suriah."

Sumber-sumber tersebut juga memprediksikan bahwa menyusul penolakan Damaskus, maka seluruh upaya propagada, makar, represi, dan boikot anti-Suriah oleh Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya akan semakin meningkat.

Sebelumnya, koran Yediot Aharonot terbitan Tel Aviv mengklaim bahwa Presiden Suriah dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, melayangkan banyak surat kepada pemerintah Amerika Serikat menyatakan kesiapannya untuk memulai perundingan damai dengan Israel.

New missiles delivered to IRGC Aerospace Force

TEHRAN, May 23 (MNA) – New domestically-manufactured missiles, called Qiam 1, were delivered to the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps during a ceremony attended by the defense minister on Sunday.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Di bawah represi rezim al-Khalifa, ratusan pengunjuk rasa turun ke jalan menuntut pembebasan segera aktivis yang ditahan pemerintah Manama.

Aksi protes terjadi di desa Sanabis dekat ibukota Manama, menuntut diakhirinya kekuasaan dinasti al-Khalifa. Demonstrasi serupa terjadi di desa Boori.

Sementara itu, petugas keamanan Bahrain yang didukung pasukan Saudi memasuki daerah Sitra dan menahan dua remaja. Menurut saksi mata, polisi anti huru-hara dan preman pro-rezim juga menyerbu desa Hamala, Daih dan Diraz.

Pemerintah Manama menangkap ratusan demonstran, aktivis oposisi, blogger dan dokter sejak awal protes anti-rezim di Bahrain pada pertengahan Februari lalu.
Setidaknya empat aktivis yang ditahan meninggal akibat penyiksaan saat dalam tahanan polisi. Selain itu, pasukan keamanan Bahrain dengan dukungan militer Arab Saudi telah merusak puluhan masjid dan huseiniyah.
Amnesti International dan pemantau HAM internasional mengkritik sikap brutal pemerintah Bahrain terhadap penduduk sipil.

Pemerintah Bahrain tidak memberikan izin bagi Komite Palang Merah internasional menjenguk tahanan dan melakukan tugasnya sebagai organisasi kemanusiaan di negara Arab itu.
Sekjen Amnesti Internasional, Salil Shetty menyatakan, "Tidak adanya reaksi yang terkoordinasi dari masyarakat internasional terhadap penumpasan protes damai di Bahrain dan Yaman, sangat memalukan."

"Kekuatan adidaya dunia harus mendukung rakyat di negara-negara yang menuntut reformasi politik dan realisasi hak-hak mereka. Meski seandainya negara-negara tersebut merupakan sekutu politik Barat,"tegasnya.

Menurutnya, kekuatan adidaya juga harus mengambil pelajaran dari transformasi terbaru yang terjadi di dunia Arab saat ini karena mungkin dalam waktu dekat mereka juga akan mengalami hal yang sama.

Komisaris Tinggi PBB untuk Hak Asasi Manusia, Navi Pillay mengecam pemerintah Manama, karena menangkap ratusan demonstran anti-pemerintah dan bahkan mengadili para dokter dan perawat di sebuah pengadilan militer.(IRIB/PH)

Weiss: Taurat Larang Pembentukan Negara Israel

Yisroel Dovid Weiss, rabi Yahudi menegaskan Taurat melarang pembentukan negara Israel.

Weiss Senin (16/5) saat diwawancarai Press TV mengharapkan Rezim Zionis Israel segera hancur. "Taurat melarang pembentukan negara Israel," tandas Weiss. Ia menyebutkan bahwa Zionis adalah idelogi politik dan memiliki sejarah buruk dalam melecehkan kesucian agama. Ditambahkannya, terdapat bukti yang menunjukkan penolakan pemimpin rabi di komunitas Yahudi Palestina terhadap pembentukan negara Israel.

Umat Yahudi di Palestina dan seluruh dunia tidak rela dengan adanya Rezim Zionis Israel, karena rezim ini mengusir bangsa Palestina dari rumah dan negara mereka. Weiss mengatakan, kami setiap hari menyaksikan tragedi baru di kawasan dan kami menyebut setiap tragedi atas nama Yahudi sebagai Hari Nakbah.

Warga Palestina di timur dan utara Jalur Gaza kemarin (Ahad 15/5) menggelar protes massal memperingati Hari Nakbah dan diserang oleh tentara Israel. (IRIB/Press TV/MF)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Using the hijab to promote Islam to middle school kids in Penn

Rabyia Ahmed, York College’s assistant director of multicultural affairs, talked to seventh- and eighth-graders at Spring Grove Area Middle School Friday about the practice of wearing hijabs.

Using the hijab to promote Islam to middle school kids in Penn
(AhlulBayt News Agency) - Rabyia Ahmed, York College’s assistant director of multicultural affairs, talked to seventh- and eighth-graders at Spring Grove Area Middle School Friday about the practice of wearing hijabs.
York, PA – Rabyia Ahmed says her hair is thick and dark. A few wisps of mahogany brown poked from beneath the black scarf she wore Friday as she spoke to a group of seventh- and eighth-graders as Spring Grove Area Middle School.
But the full sweep of Ahmed’s locks is reserved for very few — close family members, other women and one day her husband.
The Islamic practice of wearing a hijab — or a scarf covering the hair — isn’t repression, Ahmed said. It’s liberation.
“To me it represents modesty,” she said, hours after she explained her garb to students participating in a school diversity program. “It represents freedom from these stares I get from people only looking at my body. Someone talks to me. . . . They’re getting to know my heart instead of just my body.”
Rabyia Ahmed started wearing a hijab in 2004 in part because she liked the message that outer beauty is reserved for a woman and her husband. The 25-year-old assistant director of multicultural affairs at York College told the students why she chooses to wear hijabs during the Spring Grove Area Middle School’s Day of Acceptance. Students listened to other presentations about a variety of races, cultures, religions and circumstances, from Judaism to children with autism. They also played tolerance-themed games throughout the day.
Friday was the last of six similar days the school has devoted to diversity awareness since October, Assistant Principal Melissa Resek said. The idea came from teachers at the district who wanted to do something about bullying, Resek said.
Promoting diversity doesn’t specifically send the message give up bullying, she said. Instead, it makes students understand and maybe sympathize with those who might be different.
The program is working, Resek said. There have been fewer incidents of children harassing other children this year, and “kids are more apt to stand up and say when (bullying or insensitivity) is wrong,” she said.
Since she first started wearing a hijab in November 2004, Ahmed has gotten her share of dirty looks and obscene gestures. She was born in Karachi, Pakistan, moved to New York City four years later and eventually landed in York.
Growing up, Ahmed’s family relegated wearing hijabs to Muslim Sunday school or certain religious festivals.
When she turned 19, Ahmed decided to start wearing the hijab. The terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were three years old, and she felt the media was skewering her home and her culture. Some of her friends at York College wore hijabs, and she liked the message — your outer beauty is for you and your husband.

Pakistan Children Express Solidarity with Palestinian Children

Sunday 15 May 2011

Hundreds of Protestors in Istanbul support Bahraini people

Hundreds of people in Istanbul marched in the streets on Saturday afternoon to support Bahraini people and condemn oppression against them by the ruling family and Saudi military forces.

 (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Hundreds of people in Istanbul marched in the streets on Saturday afternoon to support Bahraini people and condemn oppression against them by the ruling family and Saudi military forces.

"Bahraini people are not alone", these women chanted as they marched through a suburb of Istanbul to condemn the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protests in the Persian Gulf island of Bahrain.

The protest was organized by the youth from Zeynabiyeh Mosque in Istanbul and protestors shouted slogans such as 'Dawn with US, Dawn with Israel'.

One of the demonstrators said the protest was held to condemn world silence on massacre of Bahraini people.

Referring to world arrogant powers' conspiracy to create disunity between the Muslims, he said that king of Saudi Arabia is doing his utmost to make division between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

The protesters also shouted slogans against Al-Khalifa and Al-Saud and called for establishment of a popular government in Bahrain.

The demonstration was held in a peaceful atmosphere and protestors started to disperse after the rally.

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Bahrain Solidarity Caravan in Qom